Accommodated Classroom Testing

The policies listed below apply to students who are registered with the Student Accessibility and Testing office at Missouri S&T and receive testing accommodations. Failure to comply with the Registration Policies may mean you will not be able to take your exam in the Testing Center. Failure to comply with the Test Center Policies during your exam may result in academic disciplinary action.

Testing Center Policies

Each semester prior to taking the first test with your accommodations, students should request their faculty notification letters in MinerAccess.  You should confirm whether your instructor plans for you to use the Testing Center before scheduling your exam.

Schedule your exam by the test registration deadline. This deadline is three business days prior to the day of your test for tests taken during the semester.  Final exam deadlines – Fall semester must confirm by the last Friday in November; the Spring semester must confirm by the third Friday in March.

Exceptions (illness, recently self-identified accommodations, etc…) will occur and we will work with students and faculty on a case-by-case basis; however, same day service may not be possible.  Less than 3-day notice may be possible but is limited due to available resources.

Right to refuse service if:

    • Less than seven days' notice from the student
    • Student reports more than 15 minutes late for a scheduled test. 
    • A course professor presents Testing Center staff with a test, but the student has not confirmed with the Testing Center.
    • Limited space and/or staff due to a busy time of the semester like midterms or finals.
    • Building maintenance, computer upgrades, special presentations

Schedule test time blocks either by completing the appropriate online S&T Student Test Registration Form.  Contact the Testing Center if you have any issues with MinerAccess or the make-up exam registration form, by phone: (573)341-4222 or email:

Take your exam at the same time that the rest of the class is taking it. There are two exceptions to this policy:

    1. If your time adjustment accommodation would cause your test to run over into another class period, make arrangements with your course instructor to begin your test earlier or take it at another time.  You must make these arrangements prior to scheduling your exam and your course instructor has the right to choose when the alternate time will be. They also may ask you for a copy of your class schedule to confirm this request.
    2. If your test falls outside of our testing hours, you must make arrangements with your course professor to take the test during our testing hours. Again, you must make these arrangements prior to scheduling a test time block and your course professor may choose the hours during which you will take the exam.

Do not schedule your exam for an alternate time, no matter the reason, without first speaking with your course professor. Unless you need an alternate time for the reasons listed above, your course instructor has the right to refuse to allow you to test during the time you have requested. If a course instructor notifies the Testing Center that they did not approve an alternate time, Testing Center staff will not administer your exam until the course professor contacts the office directly to approve it.

If you do not receive a confirmation from the Testing Center stating your scheduled time is approved, the course instructor may not have submitted an Instructor Proctor Request Form.  If we do not receive this form, Testing Center staff is not able to approve the exam in MinerAccess.

If the course instructor has not delivered a test prior to your scheduled time, you will need to immediately contact the course instructor to make alternative arrangements. 

 Test Center Policies

The following policies are in place to ensure the academic integrity of the exams. Because we are administering these tests on behalf of Missouri S&T faculty, we require all students to adhere to uniform rules and regulations so Testing Center staff can easily assess whether or not a breach of the Missouri S&T Student Code of Conduct has occurred. If an instructor contacts us with a concern of cheating or dishonesty of any kind, these procedures allow us to protect both the students in our test center, as well as the academic integrity of the test.

On the day of your scheduled exam, you must . . .

Arrive at the Testing Center no later than 15 minutes after your scheduled exam time. If you arrive later, the Testing Center will proceed according to the instructions provided by your instructor. The Testing Center reserves the right to remove time from the exam when the student is late. All exams must be turned in by the above of Testing Center hours. 

Bring a form of photo identification to the Testing Center. A Missouri S&T ID, driver's license, state ID, passport, or other issued identification card with your name and photo on it is acceptable.

ONLY bring into the test rooms pens, pencils, your exam/answer sheet, and any items for the test that your course professor indicates are necessary for the test. No exceptions to this will be made.  Food and drink are not allowed in the test rooms, regardless of whether your course professor allows them in his or her class. Hats, coats, gloves, and scarves may not be worn in the testing room. You may be asked to remove other bulky clothing or show the Testing Center Staff that there is nothing in your pockets, in sleeves, hoods, etc.  Cell phones, MP-4, tablets, photographic, and recording devices are not permitted in the testing room.  You will be given a locker key to store all personal possessions.

Stop taking your test and turn it in when your time is up. Testing Center staff will place a timer where you can view your remaining time.  Once time is up, it is your responsibility to stop your exam and return materials to the Testing Center staff.  

Failure to turn in all test materials to Testing Center Staff will be reported to the course instructor.  Any decisions regarding further action will be deferred to the instructor.  We do not collect homework.  Do NOT turn in course homework to Testing Center Staff.  

Immediately leave the Testing Center area, once your exam is completed.  Do not linger waiting to discuss the completed test with a classmate. 

 Academic Integrity

If evidence of cheating is found or observed.

    • Exam materials will be collected, and the student will be escorted from the testing room.
    • A staff member will describe what they observed to the student, if unauthorized materials are involved the student will be instructed to lock the materials into a locker
    • An attempt will be made to contact the course instructor
    • The exam completed to the time of the incident will be copied and provided to the instructor as a record of work completed prior to the time when the incident was observed
    • The student will be allowed to complete the exam
    • The Testing Center staff member will provide the instructor with an incident report describing what happened, the copy of the exam completed prior to the incident, and the completed exam
    • Further action will be deferred to the instructor

Behaviors that may result in the student's dismissal from the Testing Center:

  • using a cell phone
  • using unauthorized aids - e.g. anything the professor does not allow during the test
  • giving or receiving assistance
  • disturbing other examinees or behaving inappropriately
  • communicating about the test with any person other than Testing Center Staff
  • removing any part of the test
  • not turning in scrap paper
  • not turning in all testing materials
  • working longer than permitted
  • refusing to adhere to the instructors' directions Students will be disciplined according to the University's Standard of Conduct.

 Any and all breaches of these policies will be reported to your instructor by Testing Services staff.


If a faculty member decides to have a student take a test in The Testing Center, it does not guarantee the student will use the Testing Center for every classroom test.    

The Testing Center does not have the ability or capacity to evaluate individual cases, in regards to test anxiety, English comprehension, or diagnosing disabilities.

*For information regarding how to receive accommodation services, go to Student Accessibility & Testing homepage.

Updated on: May 17, 2024